Touch is instinctive. We rub something better, pat babies, put our hands on someone to comfort them, hold hands, reach out and reassure, all with our hands.

Many people tell me they try to massage their partner or family member but their hands tire, they are not sure what they are doing, they worry when the skin becomes red or that they are hurting!

I think that we can all do more for ourselves than we realise. I would like to offer the opportunity for you to gain some skills that you can apply to yourselves and or to another.

Self massage. Using a technique called 'Soft Tissue Release' along with a few other basic strokes we can effect our well being, alleviate pain/tension and soreness.

In a two hour workshop (with a tea/coffee/Fussymoo cake break) I would like to guide you through these manoeuvers, show you how to look after yourself and give you the confidence to manage some effective self massage. 

First workshop due in April, date TBA at Glencairn House Clinic, Sherborne. Places limited to 10. 

To express interest please email me: